School of Management
Impact. Innovation.

Dr. Kritsadarat Wattanasuwan
Visiting Faculty
Affiliation: Associate Professor and Head, Department of Marketing, Thammasat University, Thailand
Country: Thailand
Expertise: Consumer Culture Theory in Consumer Behaviour; Consumption and Symbolic Immortality; Brand Community; Retail Business in Thailand
Degrees: D.Phil. in Consumer Behaviour, University of Oxford under FCA-Thammasat University Scholarship, Oxford, England (2000) M.Sc. in Environmental Change and Management University of Oxford under Riche Monde Scholarship, Oxford, England (1995); MBA, Eastern Michigan University, Michigan, USA (1985); B of Business Administration in Marketing, Thammasat University, Thailand (1982)
Courses: Marketing Management

“Customer Experience at Shopping Centre”
Academic Positions
Thammasat University, Thammasat Business School: Department of Marketing, Head of Department, 2015-Present; Associate Dean for Research, 2010-2013; Director, Master’s Degree Program in Marketing – MIM (English), 1993-1994; Deputy Director, Master’s Degree Program in Marketing – MIM (English), 1991-1992; Assistant Director, 1988; Student Relations, 1986-1987
Asian Institute of Technology, School of Management: Adjunct Associate Professor, 2012; Adjunct Assistant Professor, 2005; Adjunct Assistant Professor, 2003
Vienna University of Business Administration, Visiting Lecturer, 2004
George Washington University, Visiting Scholar, 1993
Mahidol University, The International Students Programme, 0 Visiting Lecturer, 1988-1990
Non-academic Positions
Marketing Association of Thailand, Committee in Academic Affairs, 1991-1994
Organising Committee of the Annual Thailand Marketing Award, 1986-1994
Annual Top Advertising Contest of Thailand (TACT Awards): Judging Committees, 1992-1994; Chairman, Organising Committee, 1991; Secretary, Organising Committee, 1986-1989;
Thammasat University, Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy: Committee of the International Business Centre, 1988-1991; Committees of the Business Research Centre, 1988-1990; Committee of the Student Affairs, 1986-1990; Advisory Board of the Thammasat Dummy Company, 1986-1990; Assistant Director, The Continuing Education Programme, 1989; Secretary, Marketing Department, 1987-1989; Secretary, Teaching and Resource Development Centre, 1986-1987; Committee of the External Affairs, 1986-1987
University of Oxford, Linacre College, Environmental Working Committee, 1994
Thailand Representative in CONTACT’s Editorial Team An ITC Project’s Newsletter, 1989-1992
Sub-committee, Advertising Pre-censor Board Broadcasting Director Board, Thailand 1989-1991
FCA-Thammasat University Scholarship
Riche Monde Scholarship
2015 “Becoming a Woman: Male-Femaling Transgenders and Consumption Symbolism” Journal of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (January-December 2015) with Richard Elliott.
2015 “When More Time to Choose is Not Good” Thammasat Reviews, Bangkok (June-Dec 2015), with Alisara Charinsarn.
2014 “Consumer Mood: A Preemptive Approach of Service Recovery” Journal of Business Administration (Thai), 142 (37(Apr-Jun 57)), with Panitharn Juntongjin.
2013 “Role of Cognition on the Relationship between Decision Situation and Satisfaction in Choice Decision Process” Journal of Business Administration (Thai), 36 (139), 59-80, with Alisara Charinsarn.
2012 “Narrative: An Alternative Way to Gain Consumer Insights” The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge (Sep)
2012 “Different Ethnicities: An Impact of Ethnic Language on Consumer Response to Price-Off Advertising” The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge (Sep 2012), with Panitharn Juntongjin.
2008 “Living in Double Worlds: Harmonising Homosexuality and Masculinity through Symbolic Consumption in Private Space” Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research Volume 8, with Nopporn Ruangwanit.
2007 “Balancing the Hybrid Self in the Competing Landscapes of Consumption” The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Vol. 11, No. 1 (March 2007)
2007 “Das narrative Interview und die narrative Analyse” in Qualitative Marktforschung: Konzepte-Methoden-Analysen, with Renate Buber und Michael Meyer.
2005 “The Self and Symbolic Consumption” The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Vol. 6, No. 1 (March 2005)
“Brand Equity: Essential Asset to Be Invested – What? Why? How?” TBS on Marketing Value: Business Challenge in the New Era.
2003 “When White Elephants Came to the Capital: Negotiating the Self in the New Consumption Space” Thammasat Review, Vol. 8, No. 1 (December 2003)
2003 “We Are Good Buddhists: The Self and Consumption Experience of the Teenage Dhammakaya Buddhists in Thailand” Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 100 (October 2003)
2003 “The Young Nouveau Riche and Luxury-Brand Consumption” Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 97 (January 2003).
1999 “Not just for Image” Thammasat Review, Vol. 4, No.1 (December 1999)
1999 “The Buddhist Self and Symbolic Consumption: The Consumption Experience of Teenage Dhammakaya Buddhists in Thailand” Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.26, with Richard Elliott.
1998 “Brands as Symbolic Resources for the Construction of Identity” International Journal of Advertising, 17 (2), with Richard Elliott.
1998 “Consumption and the Symbolic Project of the Self” European Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.3, with Richard Elliott.
1993 “Advertising and Advertising Organisation” Promotion Series (1993), Sukhothaithammathirat University, Thailand
1992 Case Study “Think Earth Programme” Marketing Award, Marketing Association of Thailand
1991 Case Study “TOA Four Seasons Paint” Marketing Award, Marketing Association of Thailand
1991 “Marketing for Banking Business” Journal of Business Administration (September 1991) Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Thammasat University 1990 Case Study “TOA Supershield Paint” Marketing Award, Marketing Association of Thailand
Case Study “TOA Spray Paint” Marketing Award, Marketing Association of Thailand
1990 Case Study “Mello Lychee Softdrink” Marketing Award, Marketing Association of Thailand
1989 Case Study “Esso-A Path to be a Market Leader” Marketing Award, Marketing Association of Thailand
1989 Case Study “The Gems Co., Ltd.” Asian Cases in International Marketing, International Trade Centre UNCTAD/GATT
1989 Supplementary Reading on “Channels of Distribution” for BA468: Channels Management
1988 Case Study “McDonald, McThai Co., Ltd.” Marketing Award, Marketing Association of Thailand 1988 Case Study “Dichan Women Magazine” Marketing Award, Marketing Association of Thailand
1988 Case Study “COKE- the Youth Support Campaign” Marketing Award, Marketing Association of Thailand
1987 Case Study “Let’s Drink Milk Campaign” Marketing Award, Marketing Association of Thailand
Training & Workshops
1998 Seminar on “The Cultural Dimension of Business Research III: The Third Doctoral Seminar on the Cultural Embededness of Marketing, Consumer and Organisational Research Odense, Denmark
1991 Workshop on “Markets in Asia and Pacific Region” conducted by the International Trade Centre, UNCTAD/GATT Karachi, Pakistan Workshop on “Consultancy Skills in International Marketing” conducted by the International Trade Centre, UNCTAD/GATT Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
1989 Workshop on “Advertising Management” organised by Thailand Management Association Pattaya, Thailand
1989 Workshop on “Training Methods in International Marketing” conducted by the International Trade Centre,UNCTAD/GATT Manila, Philippines
1988 Workshop on “Case Writing” conducted by the International Trade Centre, UNCTAD/GATT Jakarta, Indonesia Page 6 of 8 Kritsadarat Wattanasuwan Workshop on “Export Marketing Research and Trade Information” conducted by the International Trade Centre, UNCTAD/GATT Bangkok, Thailand
1987 Workshop on “ Planning of Extension Training Programme in Export Marketing” conducted by the International Trade Centre,UNCTAD/GATT Bangkok, Thailand Workshop on “Training Needs Analysis for the Foreign Trade Section” conducted by the International Trade Centre, UNCTAD/GATT Manila, Philippines