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School of Management

Impact. Innovation.


Prof. Yuosre Badir

Professor and Acting Dean

Phone: (66-2) 524-6017

Office: SOM Room 214

Country: Libya

Expertise: Managing technological innovation; digital transformation; innovation within and across firms (i.e., strategic alliances); green innovation; employees Innovativeness.

Degrees: ​

  • Ph.D. in Management of Technology, The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland (2006);

  • Master in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland (2000);

  • MSc in Project Management, University of Putra Malaysia (UPM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1998);

  • B.Sc., Civil Engineering in Project Management, University of Garyounis, Benghazi, Libya (1993)


Professor Yuosre F. Badir is the Acting Dean and a Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at the School of Management (SOM). Previously, he served for several years as the Director of Doctoral Programs (Ph.D. and DBA) at SOM.

Professor Badir earned his Ph.D. in Management of Technology and an Executive Master's in Management of Logistical Systems from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL). He also holds an M.Sc. in Project Management from the University of Putra Malaysia (UPM) and a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from the University of Benghazi, Libya.

Since joining AIT in 2008, Professor Badir has held various academic and research positions, including Research Fellow at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Research Associate at EPFL, Lecturer at the European University in Geneva, and Visiting Scholar at the Business School of New York University (NYU).

Dr. Badir's research focuses on managing innovation, technology, and digital transformation in emerging market’s SMEs. His work has been published in top peer-reviewed journals such as Research Policy, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, among others.

Scopus profile:​

Google scholar:



  • ·Best paper award (Dec., 2017) in Strategic Marketing and Branding Track, Paper Title: Implementing green innovation: Strategy, operation, and cooperation, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Melbourne, Australia, December 4-6, 2017. (Co-authored with Jirakraisiri, J. & Frank, B.)

  • Best paper award (Dec., 2016) in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Track, Paper Title: Consumer motivation to switch to disruptive technology products, Marketing in a Post-Disciplinary Era, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC), Christchurch, New Zealand, December 5-7, 2016. (Co-authored with Kamolsook, A. & Frank, B.).

  • Best article award (Feb., 2014), the international conference on: Emerging Trends in Business and Economy: Mapping the Way Ahead, Jaipur, India, February 14-15, 201

  • One of my articles (PMJ, 2003) has been recognised by IEEE USA Today’s Engineer (December, 2003) as one of the top ten 2003 engineering “works of value.”


Courses: Managing Technology & Innovation; Corporate Technology Strategy in Renewable Energy; Technology-based M&A, JV, and Strategic Alliances; Qualitative Research Method (PhD course); Management Research Design & Methodology (PhD course)


Papers published in international refereed journals:

  • Assanee Piancharoenwong and Badir, Y. F. (2024; Minor revision). IoT smart farming adoption intention under climate change: The gain and loss perspective. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 200, 123192. [IF: 12; Scopus CiteScore: 17.2].

  • Tariq, A; Ehsan, S; Badir, Y.F; Memon, M ; Sumbal, M.S. 2022. Does green process innovation affect firm’s financial risk? moderating role of slack resources and competitive intensity. European Journal of Innovation Management (forthcoming. Accepted on January 4, 2022). [IF: 4.691; Scopus CiteScore: 6.9]

  • Charmjuree, T., Badir, Y.F. and Safdar, U. 2021. External technology acquisition, exploitation and process innovation performance in emerging market small and medium sized enterprises: the moderating role of organizational slack. European Journal of Innovation Management (forthcoming). [IF: 4.691; Scopus CiteScore: 6.9]

  • Robina Rashid, Yuosre F. Badir, Adeel Tariq, Bilal Afsar. 2021. The role of product lines in determining the degree and speed of integration: evidence from the pharmaceutical MNCs in cross-border acquisitions. European J. International Management, Vol 17, No. 1, p 27-59. [IF: 2.507; Scopus CiteScore: 3.7]

  • Ranasinghe, G.M., Badir, F. M., Frank, B. 2021. Organisational resources as facilitators and inhibitors of green performance: non-linearities, interactions and international differences, European J. International Management (forthcoming). DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2021.10038238. [IF: 2.507; Scopus CiteScore: 3.7]

  • Kanchanabha, B. and Badir, Y.F. 2021. Top management Team's cognitive diversity and the Firm's ambidextrous innovation capability: The mediating role of ambivalent interpretation. Technology in Society, 64, p.101499. [IF: 4.192; Scopus CiteScore: 4.2]

  • Jirakraisiri, J., Badir, Y.F. and Frank, B. 2021. Translating green strategic intent into green process innovation performance: the role of green intellectual capital. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2021, 22(7), pp. 43–67. [IF:7.198; Scopus CiteScore: 9.2]

  • Badir, Y.F., Frank, B. and Bogers, M. 2020. Employee-level open innovation in emerging markets: linking internal, external, and managerial resources. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(5), pp.891-913.[IF: 9.418]

  • Dost, M., Badir, Y.F., Sambasivan, M. and Umrani, W.A. 2020. Open-and-closed process innovation generation and adoption: Analyzing the effects of sources of knowledge. Technology in Society, 62, p.101309. [IF: 4.192;Scopus CiteScore: 4.2]

  • Tariq, A., Badir, Y.F., Safdar, U., Tariq, W. and Badar, K. 2019. Linking firms’ life cycle, capabilities, and green innovation. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. 31(2), pp. 284–305. [IF: 7.547; Scopus CiteScore: 8.40]

  • Pongpimol, S., Badir, Y.F., Erik, B.L.J., Sukhotu, V. 2020. A multi-criteria assessment of alternative sustainable solid waste management of flexible packaging, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol. 31 No. 1, pp. 201-222. [Scopus CiteScore: 6.2]

  • Dost, M. and Badir, Y. F. 2019. Generation or Adoption? The role of social capital. Management Decision, Vol 57, No. 7, pp. 1457-1471. [IF: 4.957; Scopus CiteScore: 7.40]

  • Adeel Tariq, Yuosre F. Badir, Supasith Chonglertham. 2019. Green Innovation and Performance: Moderation Analyses from Thailand. European Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 22, N. 3, pp. 446-467. [IF: 4.691;Scopus CiteScore: 6.9]

  • Apinya Kamolsook, Yuosre F. Badir, and Björn Frank. 2019. Consumers’ Switching to Disruptive Technology Products: The Roles of Comparative Economic Value and Technology Type. Journal of Technological Forecasting & Social Change. Vol. 140, pp. 328-340. [IF: 8.593; Scopus CiteScore: 12.10]

  • Atitumpong, A. and Badir, Y. F. 2018. Leader-member Exchange, Learning Orientation, and Innovative Work Behavior. Journal of workplace Learning. Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 32-47. [Scopus CiteScore: 2.4].

  • Nguyen, V. H., Badir, Y. F., Afsar, B., and Ngoc, N. 2017. The impact of a leaders’ technical competence on employees’ innovation and learning. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. Vol. 44, pp. 44-57. [IF: 3.347; Scopus CiteScore: 5.20].

  • Bilal, Afsar, Yuosre F. Badir, Bilal Bin Saeed, and Shakir Hafeez. 2017. Transformational and transactional leadership and employee’s entrepreneurial behavior in knowledge intensive industries, International Journal of Human Resource Management. Vol 28, No., 2, 307-332. [IF: 5.546; Scopus CiteScore: 6.9].

  • Tariq, A. and Badir, Y. F., Tariq, W., and Bhutta, U. 2017. Drivers and consequences of green products and process innovation: A systematic review, conceptual framework and future outlook. Technology in Society. Vol.51, pp: 8-23. [IF: 4.192; Scopus CiteScore: 4.2].

  • Wafler, B., and Badir, Y. F. 2017. Global products marketing strategy in uncertain and unstable newly emerging markets: the case of two European MNCs in Vietnam. Journal of Product & Brand Management. Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 573-588. [IF: 5.354; Scopus CiteScore: 5.7].

  • Umar Safdar, Badir, Y. F., Afsar, B. 2017. Who can I ask? How psychological safety affects knowledge sourcing among new product development team members, Journal of High Technology Management Research. Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 79-92. [Scopus CiteScore: 5.3].

  • Bilal Afsar and Yuosre Badir. 2017. Workplace spirituality, perceived organizational support and innovative work behavior: The mediating effects of person-organization fit. Journal of Workplace Learning, Vol. 29, No.2, pp. 95-109. [Scopus CiteScore: 2.4].

  • Dost, M., Badir, B. F., Zeeshan, A., and Tariq, A. 2016. The impact of intellectual capital on innovation generation and adoption. Journal of Intellectual Capital. Vol. 17, No. 4., pp 675-695. [IF: 7.198; Scopus CiteScore: 9.2].

  • Bilal Afsar, Yuosre F. Badir, Umar Safdar, 2016, Linking spiritual leadership and employee proenvironmental behavior: The influence of workplace spirituality, intrinsic motivation, and environmental passion, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol. 45, March, pp. 79-88. [IF: 5.192; Scopus CiteScore: 7.1].

  • Bilal Afsar and Yuosre F. Badir. 2016. The mediating role of psychological empowerment on the relationship between person-organization fit and innovative work behavior, Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management, Vol. 7 Iss: 1, pp. 5 – 26. [Scopus CiteScore: 2.1].

  • Zeeshan Ali, Yuosre F. Badir, and Bilal Afsar. 2016. The dynamics of expert and team intuition in new product development projects: The role of environmental turbulence and expert power. The Journal of High Technology Management Research. Vol 27, No. 1, PP 10-12. [Scopus CiteScore: 5.3].

  • Zeeshan Ali and Yuosre F. Badir. 2016. Sustainable new product development and internal social sustainability: The impact of stakeholders’ support. Sustainability: The Journal of Record. Vol. 9, No. 2, PP. 88-98

  • Chonlatis Darawong , Barbara Igel, and Yuosre F. Badir. 2016. The impact of communication on conflict between expatriate and local managers in new product development projects of MNC subsidiaries: A local perspective. Journal of Asia-Pacific Business. 17 (1). PP. 81-99. [Scopus CiteScore: 1.5].

  • Bilal Afsar and Yuosre. F. Badir. 2016. Person Organization fit, Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: The role of Job Embeddedness. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, Volume 15, Issue 3. PP. 252-278. [Scopus CiteScore: 3.2].

  • Bilal Afsar and Yuosre F. Badir. 2015. Person-job fit, person-organization fit and innovative work behaviour: The mediating role of innovation trust. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, Vol 26 (2),105-116. [Scopus CiteScore: 5.3].

  • Bilal Afsar and Yuosre. F. Badir. 2015. The impacts of person-organization fit and perceived organizational support on innovative work behavior: The mediating effects of knowledge sharing behaviour. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management. Vol 7 (4), 263-285. [Scopus CiteScore: 0.5].

  • Yuosre F. Badir and Gina O’Connor. 2015. The formation of tie-strength in a strategic alliance’s first new product development project: The influence of project and partners’ characteristics. Journal of Product Innovation Management, JPIM. 32 (1), 154-169. [IF: 9.687].

  • Bilal Safdar and Yuosre F. Badir. 2014. Transformational leadership and innovative work behavior, Industrial Management & Data System, 114 (8), 1270-1300. [IF: 4.379; Scopus CiteScore: 7.1].

  • Supachart Iamratanakul, Yuosre F. Badir, Sununta Siengthai, and Vatcharapol Sukhotu. 2014. Indicators of Best Practices in Technology Product Development Projects: Prioritizing Critical Success Factors, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 7 (4), 602-623. [IF: 2.711; Scopus CiteScore: 4.0].

  • Kamal Badar, Julie M. Hite, and Yuosre F. Badir. 2014. The Moderating Roles of Academic Age and Institutional Sector on the Relationship Between Co-authorship Network Centrality and Academic Research Performance, Aslib Journal of Information Management, 66 (1), pp. 38 – 53. [IF: 1.903; Scopus CiteScore:3.3].

  • Mamun, S. A. A. and Yuosre F. Badir. 2014. Governance of Corporate Governance in Malaysia and Thailand, Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 2-21.Pradhan, R. P., Norman, N. R., Badir, Y., and Samadhan, B. 2014. Transport Infrastructure, Foreign, Direct Investment and Economic Growth Interactions in India: The ARDL Bounds Testing Approach, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 104, 914-921.

  • Luliya Teeratansirikool, Sununta Siengthai, Yuosre, F. Badir, and Chotchai Charoenngam. 2013. Competitive strategies and firm performance: The mediating role of performance measurement, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp.168 – 184. [Scopus CiteScore: 4.5].

  • Mamun, S. A. A. and Yuosre F. Badir. 2013. The Impact of Board of Directors on Value Addition Efficiency of Corporate Resources in Emerging Economies, Int. Journal of Corporate Governance, Vol. 4, No. 4, 304-342.

  • Kamal Badar, Julie M. Hite, Yuosre F. Badir. 2013. Examining the relationship of co-authorship network centrality and gender on academic research performance: The case of chemistry researchers in Pakistan.Scientometrics, 94 (2): 755-775. [IF: 3.702].

  • Yuosre F. Badir, Buchel, B, and Tucci, C. 2012. A conceptual framework of the impact of NPD project team and leader empowerment on communication and performance: An Alliance Case Context. International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 30, issue 8. [IF: 7.172; Scopus CiteScore: 16.4].

  • Mamun, S. A. A. and Yuosre F. Badir. 2012. Corporate Governance and Value Addition Efficiency of Corporate Resources in Thailand, International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 238 – 257.

  • Badir, Y.F., Tucci, C., and Buechel, B. 2009. The performance impact of intra-firm organization design on alliance’s NPD projects. Research Policy, 38, 1350–1364. [IF: 8.11; Scopus CiteScore: 11.4].

  • Badir, Y.F., Tucci, C., and Buechel, B. 2008. The role of communication and coordination between ‘network lead companies’ and their strategic partners in determining NPD project performance, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 44, No.1/2, 269–291. . [IF: 2.157; Scopus CiteScore: 2.0].

  • Badir, Y.F., Tucci, C., and Buechel, B. 2005. The Role of the ‘Network Lead Company’ in Integrating the NPD Process across Strategic Partners, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 5, No. ½, 117– 137. [Scopus CiteScore: 1.4].

  • Perret, F. and Badir, Y.F. 2005. Innovation across network of high-tech SMEs: An Introduction, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 5., No. ½, 1–3. [Scopus CiteScore: 1.4].

  • Badir, Y., Founou, R., Stricker, C., and Bourquin, V. 2003. Management of Global Large-Scale Projects Through a Federation of Multiple Web-Based Workflow Management Systems, Project Management Journal, September. [IF: 4.104]

  • Badir, Y.F., Kadir, M.A. and Hashim, A.H., 2002. Industrialized building systems construction in Malaysia. Journal of architectural engineering, 8(1), pp.19-23.

 Books: 4 edited books


  1. Bruno Stagn, Benny Kuriakose, Joyce Owens, Jolyon Robinson, Yuosre F. Badir, Yézouma Coulibaly, Yves Jannot, Noppol Kobmoo. 2024. Tropical House Design Handbook Bioclimatic, Safe, Comfortable, Economical and Respectful of the Environment. Routledge, Taylor & Francis.

  2. Tobias Endress & Yuosre Badir (Editors). 2023. Business and Management in Asia: Disruption and Change. Springer. Expecting publication date: Dec., 2023.

  3. Tobias Endress & Yuosre Badir (Editors). 2022. Business and Management in Asia: Digital Innovation and Sustainability. Springer.

  4. Bruno Stagno, Yuosre Badir, Yezouma Coulibaly, Yves Jannot, and Noppol Kobmoo. 2020. Maisons tropicales - concevoir une maison bioclimatique, sure, confortable, economique et respectueuse de l'environnement” (English Translation: Tropical houses - design a bioclimatic, safe, comfortable, economical and environmentally friendly house). Etik2a. This book was published in France in March 2020, Publisher: DONOD, Paris (Both hard copy and softcopy are available:

Image by Mimi Thian


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